This page is fully towards me, my likes and dis-likes and, just background about me.
These Are Some Pictures Of Yours Truly Im Not The Prettiest Flower In The Pot But Hey,
If I Can Deal With It So Can U ;)

All About Me, Mason
Im 15, Im open minded and love to try new things. I love to hang out with
my friends down in Steel City, when i actully get a chance to go there. Im learning how to play guitar. Im single and luvin
it. I tend to be a bit of a drama queen and i bitch alot. I live in a basic family of four. A Drunk for a dad that i cant
stand to be around for more then 10 mins. A devoted mom, but, a work-a-holic, and i gamer for a sister. Its an interesting
mix of people. Im the youngest, and the spoiled one. but, im only spoiled because my parents feel bad when they fight with
me, which is like, everyday! I've been a bit of a downer latley because everything is going wrong right now, but, i guess
thats just a teenage life for ya!

My dislikes are pretty basic. I don't like people who act all hardcore, when really they're just
like you and me. I don't politics or government, or pretty much anything like that shit. Im anti-christian, I really just
don't believe in Christianity at all and the way its forced in everyday life everywhere. Infact i really just dont like religons.
It's different to believe in something. but, to base your whole life on a book or one "allmighty god" or basing your life
on what "jesus" wants. I really dont like rap or folk or country. I really don't like people who constantly think they're
rite, and even when they know they're wrong, they wont admit it. I hate back stabbers.. but.. doesn't everybody. and, i really
dont like when people will throw your friendship away for something they dont agree with or accept and are willing to stop
talkin to you, or get really mad just because of the choices you've made.

Marilyn Manson NOFX Bad Religon Anti-Flag
Offsprings The Streets The Ramones The Used Rammstien System Of A Down Some Linkin
Park Some Of The Darkness Blink 182 Out Of Your Mouth
Insane Clown Posse Disturbed Three Days Grace Queen
Smile Empty Soul Rancid Green Day HIM Taking Back Sunday
The Casualties
Sex Pistols Some Nekromantix
My Chemical Romance Rise Against Wheatus
And Many Many More