And Heres The Shout Out To my Friends, 1st I Want To say I Love You All And Miss You Guyz, No Matter
How Far I Move, I'll Still Love You All And Think About You! (list in no particular order)
Debbie: No matter where we go in life, you will always be apart of mine. Even in the worst of times
when you're soo pissed off at me, You will still be a part of my life! I Love You
Liz: We've been up and down so many
roads and hills, we've lasted this long, and we're going to last years longer. <3
Kayla: Everyday I talk to you, it's like I never really left. You're one of the many missing peices
to my puzzle that I've found. I warn you, you will never be given up without a fight. and when I say fight, i mean an all
out brawl
Jasmine: I haven't even been friends with you for a year, but, yet then again, I could never live
without you anymore. You bring me hope for the future when my present crumbles, I honesly don't know wtf I would do without
you !
Victoria: I know i rarley talk to you anymore. But always remember, I'll always think of you. And just when
you think we wont talk, I'll be showing up at your door with a grin on my face :)
Kelly C: I Havent seen you in so long. It's killing me. We're so far apart now, but you're always
close to me in my heart ;)
Niki: You're one of the greatest people I know, and one of the most forgiving. I hope
I never lose contact with you, I wouldn't be able to bare it! Don't ever change!
Jessi: You're pure jokes, Always able to put a smile on my face :)
Sarah: No matter our many
differences, we always seem to pull through and make it one step further. You'll always be my little bible thumper <3
Dinner: What will I ever do without you! I moved away knowing it would be harder to talk to you, then
you moved away, and now I no I may never talk to you :( .. Try to keep intouch man! i heart you <3
Sabrina: We had some good times, and there will still be more to come, you can bet your bottom dollar!
Sodavy: You'll always be my little Gangsta buddy! I miss you so much. You're so amazing. You're such a little stoner.
I Love you man!! <3
Kelly B: Hey, We Had Some Really Good Chats On That Corner.. LoL, We Talked For Hours, Im Really
Gonna Miss You!
Brianne: You're awesome. You're so upbeat and cheerful, and in these days, people really
need a friend like that. I'm glad it's me who has someone like you :)
Jesse C: You're also an amazing person I have met! There's been quite a few bumps in the road
over the past while, but, I'm glad we're friends still. :) <3
You're so jokes! I Love You! <33 It's a shame we didnt talk much after grade 7 till when I moved. With us together, we
could take over the world ;) ((Me = Envey Jessica... Manson spit in face :( ))
Krystle: Here's a girl that's full of
spunk and a total goof ball :P
Ryan: You're so awesome. You're just like Brianne, upbeat and know how to put a smile
on anyones face, keep up the good work man ;)
Mahlon: You've been a friend to me since the days I actually remember, It's a real shame we never see
each other anymore. No matter how far away you go, I'll always remember you! :( <3
Jareth: Another childhood
friend I'll never forget. I Still remember always hanging out in that tree just talking about the future. Well, the furtures
here, so where are you? :(<3
Kimmerz: You're so cute, but, you know that don't you. You never let anyone forget it :P You're so
awesome and full of spunk, don't ever change
Jesse L: You're such a great guy! You're amazing and I always want you to be part of my life! You're
so great to talk to, and to poke ;). what am I going to do without you <3
Michelle: I
rarely see you, or even talk to you anymore. But I hope we will always be friends. You're so great! And I <3 U :)
Nicole: We rarely talk anymore either :(. But I always think of you and our good
times in the past. The summer of grade 9 one one of the best summers I ever had, I'm so glad I met you!
Logan: I haven't even met you yet, but you're already a part of me. You make me smile everyday I talk
to you, and frown everyday I don't. I <3 You
Matt (Moses): Another guy I have never even technically met yet. But he seems to have a real hold on
all the ladies at SWC. You're a great guy! And you're a real pimp at SWC :P haha
Dan: You're an amazing guy with alot of talent. I wee bit of a stoner, but hey, we all have our flaws;)
<3 Don't ever change !
If I Missed Ya Let Me No!!!, Cuz I Prolly Didn't Mean To, I Just Have The Memory Of A Peguin!! LoL
Through All The Good Times And Bad Times, Im Always Gonna Be Here For You Guyz!, Dont EVER Forget It!! Love You All!!